Hi, fam! Another day, another new feature here at Slow Descent Into Radness. Voici “Stoop Chat,” a periodic immersive audio experience during which we relax in front of an iPhone mic for a few minutes and tell you what’s on our minds. In today’s kick-off episode, you’ll sit in on a classic W.A.S. pastime: Keith explaining a movie to Chris. See, Keith watches a lot more movies than Chris does, most of them during middle-of-the-night in-bed screenings, just inches from his slumbering wife (which is why it would be uncool for Chris to attend). Every once in awhile Keith nets something essential, in which case he generously catches Chris up the next time they hang out.
Anyway, this is supposed to be an audio feature, so enough text! Coming up over the next week or so: another off-the-cuff cover song (drop your requests in the comments), and yet another new feature, this one concerning astrology.
Oh! We’re going to exhume our treasured Advice column, forced into hibernation years ago under a hail of lawsuits, and revivify it here in the pages of S.D.I.R. If you think you’d benefit from the wise counsel of two highly educated, extensively traveled, morally dialed-in sophisticates, try somewhere else. But if you want to hear what we think about your problems, send a question to advice@wearescientists.com.
Feel that tickle behind your eyebrows? That’s us scanning you.
Chris & Keith
New micro-feature: “Oi! Mate…” In today’s edition of “Oi! Mate…,” we’d like to thank annual subscriber Lauren McGaw for this delicious Italian pilsner, which Chris ingested yesterday and soon after paid for using Lauren’s subscription fees. In an effort to maintain total accountability to our paid subscribers, we’ll include an “Oi! Mate…” in each post, until the funds run dry. (To contribute 💵 to our slow declines, punch the “subscribe” button down below.)
Oi! Mate… Lauren… thanks for the beer.
How about keeping the 80’s movie theme going with a cover of Together in Electric Dreams? Can’t remember the film at all, but what a tune!
Can you cover a band you've performed with? I'm thinking Ash (girl from Mars, Kung Fu, burn baby burn) or Art Brut (good weekend)?
Or, hard swerve, any song from Bo Burnham's inside show.
WAS quote of the day "Chris is not an authoritative source for any, anything at all"