I’ve seen We Are Scientists on 23 occasions and each time was provided with a rich patchwork of 10/10 bangers. Glasgow reviewer be damned!

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Mar 2, 2023Liked by We Are Scientists

Who knew hearing 5 dudes eat Indian food would be so enjoyable!

I unfortunately missed the Glasgow concert, but read that review(i think, let’s hope there’s not two of them) and it feels like not-so-dear Jonathan expected you to be stuck in With Love and Squalor land and not evolve at all! Maybe he was hoping for a trip down memory lane and the new music just doesn’t pull at his nostalgic strings and his bias glasses made him think everyone was on the same boat? I’ve unfortunately encountered people like that that will look negatively at newer music from a band just because it doesn’t make them feel the way they did when they first heard them. To me that means that rather than actually liking the band they simply like reminiscing of a better time in their lives.

Take it from this loyal fan who’s loved every single one of your albums since the very beginning: Lobes IS magnificent, and any reviewer who thinks differently clearly can’t tell good music if it bites their legs.

Anyways, does the lifetime membership only apply for gig equipment or do I get a couple of points for hauling your discography in the approx 600 house moves I’ve done across 3 countries?


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Mar 2, 2023Liked by We Are Scientists

"Can I ask a genuinely serious question? Is this something that you actually do or is this just a big elaborate joke?" - a normie, venturing into the world of WAS.

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Mar 2, 2023Liked by We Are Scientists

Roy Chubby Brown is an odious human being but he does wear a patchwork suit which is helpful for my comment 😂😂. You should check out The League Of Gentlemen, it’s pretty funny!

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Oh the WAS boys would love the League of Gentlemen!!!

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Mar 2, 2023Liked by We Are Scientists

We were at the Oran Mor Glasgow show... Quick review - it was brilliant and everyone I could see in there was having a great time! New stuff sounded awesome too.

Chris and Keith M also very kindly let us get a photo with them pre-show which was much appreciated. Our two kids (who also love w.a.s) were very impressed at breakfast the next morning!

Finally... enjoyed the tech tutorial but I still cant understand how only 3 people generate such a massive sound on stage. Some kind of witchcraft is surely the only rational explanation. The Bad Cat amp looked like a proper piece of kit too. Now I want one... 😩

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Mar 2, 2023Liked by We Are Scientists

Paul Daniels - dead

June Brown - dead

Richard Griffiths - dead

Michael Elphick - dead

Hope you enjoyed the meal!

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Mar 2, 2023Liked by We Are Scientists

Patchwork! Slightly unfortunate that this pinged up on my phone right as I was about to go to sleep and I unwittingly pressed play, not realising it was an hour long. However, I’m glad I did. It’s made me smile, and laugh out loud in places - “What would a drummer need if they wanted to execute you and replace you?”

I wasn’t at the Glasgow show, but if it was anything like the ones I have been at, then your reviewer must have been carrying around some pretty hefty prejudices. The new material has been so well received and the sets in general have been fabulous. Not sure most reviews are worth the paper? (Or whatever) they’re written on anyway.

Now craving a curry but it’s 3am so I’m going to go to sleep instead.

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Mar 2, 2023Liked by We Are Scientists

After that, I really feel that the only comment I'm worthy of making is "patchwork".

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Mar 2, 2023Liked by We Are Scientists

Now I did hold Keith’s guitar in Cincinnati so I’m closer than most to that 600lb minimum for my free lifetime membership

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Feeling a genuine need to take up quilting so I can make a patchwork WAS quilt.

Also, Dan is a delight and should be a recurring guest star.

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Also, who is Marti Pellow?! Scandalous comment.

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More of these please! Felt like I was at the dinner table with you. Shame you fell for the old pompadom trick, they get me every time too.

I was at the Glasgow gig, it was fabulous. New stuff sounded fresh and fabulous & from where I was standing everyone round about me was into it too. Jonathon obv was having a bad night.



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Only just getting listening to this now - I’m well behind, I know! A patchwork of craic and munching noises.

- I never knew I’d enjoy listening to 5 guys eating food for an hour, but here we go - thanks for the poppadum sound effects especially.

- THANK GOD someone else doesn’t like Whiplash. I’m not a musician, but I found it a painful watch in so many ways - pretentious is definitely the word.

- I read said review and it baffled me. I wasn’t at the Glasgow gig (sadly), but after the belfast gig I even commented to my friend how buzzing the crowd were for the Lobes songs. If I had walked into the gig not knowing any WAS material I would have found it hard to distinguish what was new material and what wasn’t, the whole place was just loving life.

- Going to miss these touring posts so much - thank you for the entertainment!

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I enjoyed hearing the technical part. I don’t know shit about music but this increased my knowledge by a lot.

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Patchwork. I miss this newsletter! Enjoy the break, guys.

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Is Keith Carne a Canadian person?

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