Laughing at myself for demoing a song like seven times before I figure my shit out and do the final take. I could learn a goddamn thing or two. Hm.

Really appreciate hearing how these songs transform and evolve. That guitar drone—damn. I do miss when Keith would use that during “Textbook.” It’s like green noise or whatever.

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Ooo I love this!!

How about releasing the digital version early though? And that would or could or should drum up even more interest for the physicals!

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Loved reading this! MIE is a song that grew on me, albeit quickly, and is easily one of my favourites on TVeF so it was great to be able to compare the versions and read your discussion.

Also glad to be able to look at the triangle through a different lens. I always thought that it was an instrument that children with little or no musical talent (ok, the much younger me in this case) were given in music class so we’d not feel left out.

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Loved this! Thank you so much! I really enjoyed listening to both of these demos alongside the final track. I personally love the outro on the early demo and would be very happy to hear it live (intentionally or otherwise). I also love how much the guitar solo sounds like it’s being played under water.

Three points to note:

1. Seriously blown away by the triangle video - who knew? 🤯

2. To describe Deep Impact as a “thinking man’s art film” is a colossal stretch, even when compared to Armageddon.

3. “I seriously doubt it was that last thing.” Definite contender for best SDIR quote to date.

This has made me smile tonight. Sorry the release date has been pushed back but enjoying the anticipation in any case.

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