Aug 14Liked by Chris Cain

I LOVED this! I have no musical knowledge (other than an ability to identify WAS as close to perfection) so wasn't expecting to learn and *enjoy* it in equal measure.

I'm interested in thinking around phasing out Turn It Up. From the first few notes its a stone cold banger and a big part of my very intense love of the last album - is it anoying to play right live/ disappointing crowd reaction/sick of hearing it/doesn't fit the flow of the rest of the set? Would love to know!

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Turn It Up hasn't been blacklisted or anything, we were just finding that the set lost a little energy when we had it in the set list. I think we tried it in a couple different spots and that didn't seem to help. This is often the reason that a song we play for a few dozen shows will get phased out — basically just isn't making the cut from an energy perspective. It's possible we can retool the live arrangement to make it work better, or it may just live the rest of its days as an occasional visitor to the setlist. As Lou notes below, there are enough songs to choose from that we tend not to spend a ton of time fretting over a song that doesn't slay live — some of them are simply destined to exist only in our headphones!

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Thanks for the response Chris! I remember the previous discussion on set lists - there no shortage of other tracks that deliver the energy. Interesting how a song I would assume gets a bounce, just doesn't work out. I'll remember to lose my shit if you do sneak it back in a few years!

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Aug 14Liked by Chris Cain

Now all I can think about is how much I want to go to a WAS live show (even if you aren't playing Turn It Up, which is a touch unforgivable). Excellent self-promotion!

Time to stream the whole discography from start to finish again - gotta keep our boy stocked with tootsie rolls.

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Really enjoyed the pedal board breakdown, although it has left me questioning myself. What's wrong with me that I find the effect of the Phaser comforting/relaxing rather than tummy sickening and that my first favourite song on Lobes is now a non-player for you?

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So many bangers though! What else would you phase out?

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When you pose it like that I see the problem! You can't play them all. Turn it Up does have a similar level of bounce for me to Less From You, so I can see why that might be favoured, but was just curious if there was a particular reason why a song gets retired

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Absolutely! It’s a great question

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This was brilliant! Thank you so much. I was coming from a less than zero position in terms of knowledge but this was entertaining and educational in equal measure. I definitely appreciated the combination of prose and video explanation, the latter recalled the livestreams in places and I really enjoyed listening to the linked tracks with a specific focus.

So interesting that certain albums seem to favour certain pedals (but also perhaps obvious, I guess) Loved the observation “Barbara was made in a time of great interest in octaves, for me.”

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Side question: Is a daybed essentially a futon?

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In my mind a daybed is not dissimilar to a sofa, but the part parallel to the floor is deeper, so it achieves dimensions similar to a small-ish bed. Would still have cushioning against the back and maybe sides, too, like the sofa. So kind of a sofa that lets you *really* get loose. Notably, a day bed would be found in the sitting room — or perhaps in the library, if it's that kind of house — not in a bedroom.

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It sounds like a must have piece of furniture tbf, especially for a library. Does the “In my mind” indicate that no actual daybed was being referenced here though, or just that others might call it something else?

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I've always seen it used for a couch by day/ bed by night piece of furniture with a real mattress, like this: https://www.ikea.com/ca/en/p/hemnes-daybed-with-3-drawers-2-mattresses-white-agotnes-firm-s59428123/.

But Catherine's right, I definitely pictured a chaise longue!

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"I’ve draped myself across the daybed" For me draping = Chaise longue

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A futon converts to be slept on day beds don't. But I've never worked in a furniture shop so I could be wrong.

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"The fact that your bass kinda looks like a guitar sometimes pisses me off."

Actually made me laugh out loud.

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I really enjoyed that and the video was a good addition to the learning experience. The insder knowledge of what pedals Keith may or may not be pressing at gigs is worth the SDIR subscription alone.

I'd be sad to not hear turn it up live again, but at the same time there are so many other great songs that could take its place that I'd cope with the loss.

Finally, out of complete curiosity, how many streams equals a tootsie roll?

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Oh, gosh, good question. Right now on Amazon (US) I can get a pound of tootsie rolls for $13.99. Apparently a pound is about 60 rolls, which makes them ~$0.23 each, which seems fair. Spotify's royalty rate wiggles around from term to term, but is always in the range of a bit under half a cent per stream. At $0.004/stream, Keith would need 58 listens to buy a tootsie roll. Can we not do this for him???

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Right, I'll get streaming then. Can't have Keith short on tootsie rolls.

Whilst not quite the Big Mac Index, I think there may be room for the tootsie roll tally when comparing streaming platform royalties. But then again, I'm not an economist so this is probably a flawed suggestion.

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At a conservative estimate I think I average this about every two days (and sometimes I fall asleep having forgotten to turn off the repeat function so that probably adds a bit). 3.5 tootsie rolls a week seems like meagre payment. Will have to up my game - but so should Spotify!

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A genuine dollop of thanks for this video - I have been inspired. Having never owned a pedal before I'm now going to buy my first ever pedals and make base camp on my first board with some cheap options to see how it works before I obviously sell all my vintage tootsie rolls to fund the purchase of the WAS pedal.

DELAY: Behringer Vintage VD400

DRIVE: Beregnger Superfuzz

LOOP: Happy Hour

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Genuinely fascinating. Interested in how the pedals are physically mounted / affixed to the board - is it a slot-based system? Also, are there any guitarists' pedal boards you lust after / roll your eyes at? Russell Lissack's set up is MASSIVE.

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Aw my first pedal was a Boss overdrive and I almost never use it because I’ve only ever written one guitar song.

Chris, you deserve a damn Insomnia Cookie for being such a stellar listener/reader. I guess Keith earns a tootsie roll today for forgetting the quiz at the end of this Stack.

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Aug 14·edited Aug 15

If there were a dictionary definition of ‘too much of a good thing’ then this is it and should be used in all textbooks as the Harvard citation example from now until 2027, when there may be other more relevant examples. This is EXACTLY why I subscribe (but don’t pay) for this channel. I am bloated on the fullness of the text and video combination. And I thank you for it. I think I need a WAS pedal.

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