, The shot of excitement that went up my spine reading the email title that promised this demo was ELECTRIC. I love this song. I think it's amongst the list of unique songs in my playlist of literally tens of thousands of songs, like I can't find another song that quite catches this mood. And to see the demo to song process every! single! time! really impresses me. Thank you guys for always sharing this sort of stuff with us. As a Creativity Fan it's cool to me that you two care about things I thought nobody really cares about. Also, I wrote this comment while in a comma.

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In the cold, dark heart of January, I often think longingly of an escape to south Florida. A tour guide of WAS video locations might be the final motivation I need to make it happen (because I will then know which hotels to avoid).

Good to have they/you/it back - I was starting to miss these! Return the Favor is such a monumental track, and the demo is chillingly good. 🩵

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Return the Favor has probably my favorite Keith guitar solo so nice to hear that it exists in the demo.

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Please never phase out the Phaser from your pedal board. It brings the perfect moodiness. There's something beautifully cinematic about Return the Favour, like it could have been on an 80s film soundtrack....

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So excited to see this pop up in my notifications that I immediately paused my commencement of the holidays viewing of Jaws for a listen and read (if you knew exactly how much I love this film, you would be very honoured.) Tbf I probably love Return The Favor an equal amount. It’s such a haunting song and the accompanying video is incredibly atmospheric (despite always reminding me of Gentle Ben). The demo does not disappoint.

Love all the pedal talk, even though it is something I really know nothing about. Very much hoping you deliver on the “nerd talk” edition of SDIR. I am here for that 100%!

Different song, but can you please clarify for me whether or not Sprinkles was a single? In an earlier SDIR you state it was not, but here Keith implies that it was. It’s not a single on Spotify but it does have a video so it’s something of a contradiction.

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I *think* Return The Favour into Slow Down *might* be my favourite transition between tracks in the W.A.S. canon (though I wouldn't want the historian in question to quote me on that), so I'm very much looking forward to the next demo as much as I enjoyed this one 📺

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RTF is a great song and I love the demo. I may be repeating myself from an earlier comment, but I’ve enjoyed the fact that the demos give me the chance to look at the final versions in a different light.

Weirdly, I also enjoyed the brief coverage of guitar pedals, something I know naff all about save for their basic purpose and their role in the naming of “shoegaze” as a genre of music.

I’d be interested in a visitors' guide to the South Florida video locations. Perhaps with suggested drinks to go with them. I don’t know whether the interest comes from the locations themselves or the possibility of an associated drink though.

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Huh! I did not know that’s where the term shoegaze came from. SDIR - never failing to inform and educate!

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Love this demo. Just one problem… you spelt ‘Favour’ wrong.

Thought you’d wanna know. Is this something else we can blame Ed for?

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