Yes!! Thank you! There are all types of weed smokers! I’ve been sober from alcohol for 2 years which has been maybe the most beneficial thing I’ve done for my own mental well-being. I see it as worse than smoking weed in many ways, but maybe that’s because I live in the UK and our drinking culture is absolutely something else. I do still smoke weed though (and pretty responsibly), but its been especially helpful in recent weeks. I’ve been experiencing chronic pain and all I can do is wait for endless doctors appointments and medical examinations. It’s one of the only things that’s helped me lately, especially when you consider the way women’s health issues aren’t treated particularly well in this country. The drinking culture in this country means some people are socialised into finding it very weird that someone would take drugs but not drink alcohol. It seems like people have a hard time accepting the idea of each to their own, while being completely fine the state of the drinking culture here. It’s sucks but I can’t see legalisation happening any time soon with the current government or even if the current opposition got into power in the future.

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Loved this chat! The Penguin Classics comment made me laugh out loud. I found the conversation really interesting too. Living in a country where the government’s strategy is to hang on to power by demonising whole sections of society and pitting people against each other, I don’t see us having many sensible debates about the legalisation of anything in the near future. I wonder if the UK mentality towards alcohol is linked to the fact that it’s pretty much the only vice that we’re allowed to indulge in - and I agree with KC that this is entirely arbitrary. On that note, KM’s comment that people aren’t going to Amsterdam to get wasted on alcohol made me smile. Certainly, in the past (although hopefully not so much today) that was the mentality of a large proportion of British holidaymakers, regardless of the destination.

Thanks for taking the time to do this while you’re on the road. Can’t wait to see what comes next.

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Dunno if it’s a British thing but it seems here most people would be more inclined to vote to remove something from someone else than to get something that everyone can have.

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Anyone remember Select magazine in the UK? I used to buy that religiously. Was gutted when they discontinued it.

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