Dave's full of it. This song is a certified banger. 💥

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I occasionally find myself saying "You're something else" while thinking "I don't mean that as a compliment." Thank you for giving me that means of disguising my true feelings for those who annoy me but whom I cannot for whatever reason disdain openly.

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This song has been on my mind a lot since culminating the completion of my second record. Mainly because i wanted to a song with a bite, that seems harmless and yet, upon listening is anything BUT that. I turned to this song over and over, but well boys…you do it best. And I’m way to goddamn nice 🥲

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I’ve always loved this song so it’s great to hear it like this and to be able to compare the differences. (I did find myself doing a compare and contrast exercise last night with about 3 listens to each version.)

TVeF is packed with great songs so I’m looking forward to the other demos landing in my inbox.

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I’m wondering if there is a reason why this song is not on TV en Français Sous la Mer. I feel like I might have asked that somewhere before. Apologies if so, but this seems as good a place as any to raise it.

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This is so great! Thank you! This demo did not play well on my phone so I’ve had a second listen on a better speaker and it’s really interesting to hear what it sounded like originally. I didn’t realise how much I appreciate that little flourish at the end of the final version. I love this song! It’s a great opener and absolutely top tier imo (on this album, if not the entire WAS catalogue). I also really enjoyed your discussion about how this came to be. The point about how synths might affect backing vocals was interesting although I am not going to tell you how many times I had to reread it to work out what the hell a non-verbal vocal is! I could not get that to compute in my brain.

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First ballot track-by-track hall of fame entry already a shoe-in, just one song in.

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